General Surgery 3/6

3/6 General Surgery Coordinator /contact:

Coordinator:  Katarzyna Szczepaniec (

Address: 3rd Chair of General Surgery, 35-37 Pradnicka str. Tel.: 12 633 19 95

Head of the 3rd Chair of General Surgery Prof. Antoni Szczepanik ( )

Schedule for winter semester is available here

Rules of conducting classes are available here

In the event of problems with finding a person to lead bedside classes – the group leader reports to the Coordinator or Clinic’s office – from there the information is forwarded to the given assistant.

Goals of education: To acquaint the student with various diseases which may require surgical intervention, particularly of the acute abdomen spectrum and the breast cancer and the melanoma. And to train the student to analyse the disease history, be able to do a thorough physical examination of the surgical patient (particularly with the acute abdomen) and know the basic knowledge of trauma patient treatment, types of shock, water-electrolyte balance, nutrition and wound healing. Moreover, the student should be able to perform basic surgical procedures listed in the learning objectives.

Learning objectives:Objectives General Surgery 3 6 2023-2024 – MD 2022/2023

Medical knowledge:

  • Define, list of symptoms, and propose diagnostic plan of “acute abdomen”;
  • List the most important items of history taking and clinical exam relevant to surgical patient;
  • Diagnose symptoms of hypovolemia, hypovolemic/septic shock, suggest diagnostic and treatment plan (including basic calculation of iv drip infusion);
  • Diagnose and suggest treatment plan of acid-base disturbances;
  • Diagnose symptoms of malnutrition. Propose enteral/parenteral nutritional plan;
  • Know basic types of the wound, stages of healing process, and surgical management of the wound;
  • Know aetiology and symptoms, propose diagnostic and treatment plan of most common “acute abdomen” diseases: acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, gastrointestinal obstruction, acute pancreatitis, perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, diverticulitis, acute mesenteric ischemia, cholangitis;
  • Know aetiology and symptoms, propose diagnostic and treatment plan of upper and lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding;
  • Know non-surgical causes of “acute abdomen”;
  • Know principles of the first aid in the trauma patients (primary survey according to the ATLS protocol;
  • Be familiar with the common surgical procedures (diagnostic laparoscopy/laparotomy, appendectomy, cholecystectomy, hernia treatment);
  • Be familiar with the common endoscopic procedures (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatocgraphy);
  • nterpret the basic elements of surgical documentation (patient’s chart, fluid balance chart);
  • Basic elements on surgical oncology (c/s/p/y/TNM, R0/1/2 resection, multimodal treatment of cancer, symptoms and diagnostic of breast cancer and skin melanoma);


  • Take the history and perform the clinical exam relevant to acute abdominal diseases (acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, ileus, perforation of the digestive tract);
  • Take the history and perform the clinical exam relevant to abdominal hernia (inguinal, femoral, umbilical and incisional);
  • Proper sterile surgical technique in regard to gowning, gloving, scrubbing;
  • Basic of surgical wound closure, application of surgical dressings and postoperative wound care;
  • Knowledge and competency in using local anaesthesia;
  • Knowledge of the basic types of drains and catheters;
  • Removal of the surgical drains;
  • Informed consent for basic acute surgical procedures;

Social competence:

  • Co-operation in the medical and nursing team

Conditions of gaining credit: Presence at the seminars and practical exercises.

Assessment methods and criteria for this course: Evaluation of the skills by the assistant. Final written exam

Bibliography: Principles and Practice of Surgery, 7e by O. James Garden


The cloakroom for students is located in an administration part of hospital on the 3rd floor. Having enterded the main building from behind (Staff entrance), you should head left and follow sings saying „Administracja”. Then, having turned left you should go up a couple of stairs (ramp on right side leads to Emergency Unit), then turn left and reach the 3rd floor using either the elevator or the staircase. Before going to cloakroom you should obtain the key at the Emergency Unit reception in exchange for your ID.